Photography 🢒 East Africa 1994-1996

Mount Kenya isn't the easiest to photograph at the best of times, lacking the distinctive peak of Kilimanjaro. The overcast weather didn't help with this photo, either, but I did what I could with it.
I had set out to climb it, but quickly discovered I was carrying too much weight, or out of shape, or both. It wouldn't have mattered anyway; while I paused at this camp partway up, a storm rolled in and everyone climbing it turned back. I took a quick shot of the snow-covered peak in the morning before I turned back.
Mount Kenya's on the equator, and it might surprise some that it can snow there. Altitude really has much more to do with climate than latitude.
© S. Bougerolle 1994. This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0